Collection: Aguardiente
Aguardiente, translated to fire water, is a strong alcoholic drink that is produced from the grape skins after the production of wine. There are many different types of aguardiente and many different regions that produce this drink.
Galicia is well known for the high calibre and diversity of its aguardientes, such as Aguardiente de Orujo, a clear, colourless licor. This traditional drink, which is still brewed in many Galician communities today, usually has more than 50% alcohol by volume. Augardente de herbas is a sweet liqueur produced from herbs (herbas) with chamomile being a major component.
Black in colour, liqueur café is a sweet liqueur produced from sugar, coffee (café), and augardente.
A cream liqueur made with augardente, coffee, cream, milk, and additional ingredients is called Crema de Augardente or Crema de Caña.