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Spanish Cider Sidra Cortina 700ml

Spanish Cider Sidra Cortina 700ml

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Sidra Cortina is a one-of-a-kind Spanish cider made in the region of Asturias. The delicate sweetness of this all-natural cider comes from a blend of apples that were each carefully selected for their unique qualities before being harvested by hand.

The scent profile of Sidra Cortina is dominated by varietal and fermentative smells, which contribute to its unique flavor profile. The aromas of fruit and flowers predominate, making their presence known with every sip and promising an elegant flavor profile. Because of this, it is the perfect complement to tapas and traditional foods to bring out their full flavors and create a truly Spanish dining experience.

Sidra Cortina is distinguished from other ciders, especially Australian ciders, by the absence of carbonation and the use of natural sugars. This maintains the authentic cider properties and stays loyal to the original apple flavors. Traditional Asturian service calls for a paper-thin glass and a high pour of Sidra Cortina. This is a culturally significant component of the experience of drinking Spanish cider since it aerates the drink and brings out its full range of flavors and fragrances.

Detail about this cider:

Region: Spain, Asturias

Manufacturer: Sidra Cortina

Made from: Asturian Apples

Alcohol: 6%

Volume: 700ml

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