Matusalem Insolito 700ml
Matusalem Insolito 700ml
Ron Matusalem Insolito Rum was inspired by the pale salmon Rosé wines from Provence, France. With a buttery finish and hints of brioche and red fruits sing in harmony with the remnants of the wines tannins. This is a rum with unique flavour profile and worthy of a try for this rum aficionados.
A pioneering rum inspired by Provence rosé wines. A buttery finish with hints of toasted bread and red fruits in harmony with wine tannins' remnants. This unique flavour profile makes it rum connoisseurs will love, and that non-rum drinkers will love to try.
Matusalem Insolito, World's First Rosé Aged Rum.
Matusalem was born almost 150 years ago. The most wanted rum during Cuba’s Golden Age, an indelible icon of that era. We believe that elegance is timeless, a legacy that has been passed down from generation to generation. Our “leitmotiv” is to be pioneers in the pleasure of tasting, expressing and sharing natural good taste.
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