Diplomatico Mantuano 700ml
Diplomatico Mantuano 700ml
Diplomatico Mantuano is a superbly balanced, rich and complex blend. Aged for up to eight years, its depth, complexity and uniquely dry finish make it stand out in cocktails.
Mantuano is the ideal choice for rum-lovers who want to elevate their drinks in everyday occasions.
Rum with extraordinary body and balance combining oak and vanilla aromas.
Comprising 50% cane honey-derived rum, which undergoes iron distillation, and 50% molasses-based rum, refined through column distillation, this concoction harmonizes the best of both worlds. A masterful fusion of these two elements creates a balanced blend, drawing from rums that have matured for up to 8 years in barrels once used to house bourbon or malt. For optimal enjoyment, savor it over ice cubes or allow its unique character to shine through in various cocktail creations.
Tasting notes :
- Nose : Concentrated nose with mainly prune, brown tobacco and cooked caramel.
- Palate : In the mouth, the attack is rather dry, but very fruity. Then develops a beautiful aromatic richness, dominated by cooked, even stewed fruit (pear, apple, prune) but also banana and vanilla. The whole is tannic, even a little astringent, but also presents a certain seductive roundness.
- Colour : Amber tawny colour with reddish tints. Finish: The finish is remarkably persistent, marked by the fruit but also by the pepper and spices which prolong its persistence.
Details about this rum:
Region: Venezuela
Distillery: Destilerías Unidas, SA
Rum type: Dark Golden Rum
Alcohol: 40%
Volume: 700ml
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