Barquero Vermut Rojo 750ml
Barquero Vermut Rojo 750ml
Pérez Barquero Vermouth is a symphony of Andalusian tastes that captures the spirit of southern Spain from the sun-kissed slopes of Montilla all the way to your glass. An unforgettable taste awaits in this vermouth made from Pedro Ximénez grapes.
Even before you pour it, its gorgeous color will welcome you, calling to mind the breathtaking sunsets of the region. The aroma of citrus and spices that greets you after pouring is intoxicating. The first taste is a vivacious tango of orange and cinnamon, with bitter almond and wood blending gently in the background. Careful maturing beneath the singular 'flor,' or yeast layer, imparts a distinctive Andalusian flare and contributes to the wine's complex flavor profile.
The grapes of the Pérez Barquero winery, which are located in the rolling hills of Montilla, have been lovingly tended to for years. These vineyards benefit from an ideal combination of a warm, dry climate and an average of more than 3,000 hours of sunshine each year, resulting in grapes that are perfectly ripe and well-balanced. Serve cold to experience the full range of flavors; pairs well with savory appetizers like salted and pickled items.
Details about this Spanish Vermouth:
Winery: Pérez Barquero
Region: Montilla-Moriles
Grape: Pedro Ximénez
Aging: 18 months in clay tinaja
Alcohol: 15%
Closure: Cork
Volume: 750ml
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