818 Tequila Blanco 700ml
818 Tequila Blanco 700ml
The 818 brand was founded by model Kendall Jenner, and named after her 818 postcode in Los Angeles, California. Kendall Jenner is known for expressing a huge passion for the agave spirit, and says her award-winning 818 Tequila Blanco is ‘simply perfect’. With it’s light-bodied, sweet and smooth-with-a-crisp finish, 818 Tequila Blanco is perfect for cocktails. It’s crispy taste will make you want to drink more.
The tequila is produced using traditional methods in Jalisco, Mexico at a family owned and operated distillery. The agaves are hand-picked by jimadores and slowly roasted in brick ovens for 40 hours to help release the sugars, giving the tequila a special and sweet aroma. Every step of the process is treated with the utmost respect and quality of care by every hand involved.
Details about the tequila:
Nose: Fresh, sweet aromas of vanilla and agave
Taste: Clean and well-balanced with flavors of sweet fruit, vanilla and pepper.
Aftertaste: Smooth, sweet and spicy.
Appearance: 818 Tequila Blanco is light bodied with a brilliant platinum colour.
40% ABV
80 Proof
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